Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sewing Meetup!

I am a terrible procrastinator.

About three weeks back Tanitisis and I realized that we lived in the same city and arranged to meet up. I confess that I was just about as nervous as I was back in my days (yes, I did that). We met up at a coffee shop near my work in the more "artsy" district of town, and by district, I mean street—Saskatoon is not very big, but it does seem to have a little bit of everything.

We didn't even really talk sewing all that much, but we ended up having a lot in common, and I'm super pumped to have a sewing buddy in town. Even better, our meet up has drawn out another potential like-minded individual that lives in town and has a presence on PR. Jodi B (from PR), if you are reading this, I can't find you on PR, unless you are teasing me and actually live in Virginia.

Here we are according to my camera:

And here we are according to Tanitisis's

When searching PR I came across another blogger who looks like she may live in Toontown. I hope you don't mind that I've directed traffic at you (if you do, please leave a message and I'll remove the link).

Since my last post, I've seemed to come out of my sewing funk thanks in-part to Tanitisis, who also happens to work at Fabricland and mentioned in her last post that the stretch denim had gone on sale half price. I had spied some denim-look knit there a few weeks ago that I wanted to make into jeggings (really Erin, at your age? Didn't you wear stirrup pants once in your life? Isn't that enough?) Yes really. Now I have to make some appropriate tops that cover my ass so I don't feel naked when wearing them. There were some fit issues when I made them up that may be useful to others, so that will most likely be my next post.

I've also made a lot of other progress on my other projects:

1. knitted socks: finished. They are thick and warm, and fit my foot amazingly well.

2. knitted sweater: I finished all the pieces and then realized when trying to sew them together that I have to rip out the front and the back pieces to the start of the armpit shaping. Oh well, something to do while I watch tv.

3. Baby quilt: I'm almost done, and I'm pretty pleased with it. There are a few lot of mistakes in the quilting and it's not perfectly square (much to my mother's insistence that it needs to be to add the binding). I figure that at some point it will probably get pooped on so really people—I'm okay with the imperfection. This, coming from the girl who used to, as a child, wiggle my toes until they felt "even" every night when I went to bed. OCD much?

All safey-pinned up and ready for quilting:

Après quilting with binding attached (but not finished):

Showing the backside which reveals my horrendous quilting. Here's hoping that's the side that gets pooped on most frequently.

A close up of the binding: 

All I have left is hand sewing the binding down—yet another thing I can do when watching more television. 

And for all you haters of my fabric choice for the backing and the binding—I'm talking to you dear husband and sister who raised your eyebrows when you saw the plaid—you can suck it because I think it looks cute. 

One more thing. Being from Saskatchewan, I don't like to to point out our extreme weather, because I really hate to perpetuate stupid stereotypes like "Canadians all live in igloos" or "drive dogsleds to work". That being said, I have to share a few photos of our spring weather this year (specifically after the storm we had this week).

This is a girl I was in a show with who posted this pic on Facebook:  

To be clear, that's not actual snowfall, but a big-ass giant snow drift closer to the edge of town. But still... yeesh!

Apparently, this has happened before though:

WTF. Why does anyone live here? Oh yes. Because they are friggin' crazy: 

Trena, this picture is for you because I know that you bike—probably not with a skidoo helmet though. Ridiculous. 

Hopefully we don't get any more snow, although it can actually be very nice when it's sunny out (from our front window this morning):

Now I have to figure out how to take flattering pictures of myself in leggings that I will most likely regret posting to the internet. Happy Sunday!


  1. your quilt looks lovely--and the colours are so cheery! a perfect antidote for the weather :)

    its awesome to hear there are 3 other people who sewing and blogging out of saskatoon, when i first saw the map at another sewing scientist all the pins looked so far away!

    1. We'll have to plan a meet up in the nearish future.

  2. So jealous of your meetup, but definitely NOT jealous about your snow--in that last pic I'm pretending those lumps are snow covered cars. ;-) I think your baby quilt turned out cute, and my quilting is terrible too, so no judgement here!

  3. Thankfully, it's started to warm up a bit and I imagine all of that snow will be gone in a week or two. Also, I've decided that I hate quilting. It's a lot of work, and you can't even wear it when you're done.

  4. The biker is crazy!!! I won't put my butt in the saddle if there is a possibility of a speck of ice anywhere on the roads. I slid in ice once and it was terrifying. Luckily, our winter was basically snow and iceless, so I biked through it.

    I love the quilt! My mom is getting into quilting and wants to make me one eventually. I keep sending her examples of quilts with bright colors and lots of white space. Just sent her yours.

  5. Meetups are awesome. The weather looks insane out there. We should've started winter by now but it's sort of an on and off autumn/summer thing at the mo'..
